360 Energy

Aapresid Congress + 7th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture

#Aapresid  #AapresidCongress  #WorldcongressonConservationAgriculture #Bioeconomy #Argentina #Rosario #Biodiesel #RenewableEnergy  #SustainableAgriculture  #Kairos #Rosario #Santafe

This year, the 25th Annual Aapresid Congress will be held along with the 7WCCA, in order to promote together the sustainable productive strategy that grows in the region and take it to the world. The 7WCCA will share time and place with the 25th Aapresid Congress, from August 1 to 4 in the Centro Metropolitano de Convenciones of Rosario, an event already consolidated as the most important technological reference meeting in the continent and recognized worldwide as a true network for update, exchange of knowledge and a showroom for advanced technologies. A tech beacon to highlight future challenges and innovative scenarios for sustainable agriculture.

Latin America´s farmers have more than 40 years of experience in conservation agriculture systems based on No Till and there is plenty scientific evidence to support this revolution that began with farmers. Production systems in South America based on No Till account for more than 75% of the area under cultivation. However, in the world only 11% of total crop land is cultivated under these systems.

The most relevant topic of this meeting will be to demonstrate that Conservation Agriculture is the best tool to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change, contributing to food security and promoting resilience and biodiversity. Conservation Agriculture is more than a set of practices; it also implies a holistic concept of agriculture, combining basic elements of production with those of conservation. It aims to work together with farmers, policy makers, scientists, companies, educators from all over the world, financial organizations, risk brokers and other interested parties, seeking the best solutions for all regions.

Specialists and officials of the highest international level will come to Argentina to participate in this meeting. A true network for the update, exchange and knowledge for innovative technologies.

World Congress on Conservation Agriculture (WCCA)

The WCCA accounts for editions every three years in different locations around the world: Spain, Brazil, Kenya, India, Australia and Canada are some of the past hosts. This year we are proud to host it in our region. Emphasizing that agricultural production systems are not sustainable unless they are profitable and Conservation Agriculture holds the key to the construction and maintenance of soil health and profitable agricultural systems.

The 7th edition of this congress will run side by side with the 25th Aapresid Congress in Rosario, Argentina, the organizing committee is compromised by the Confederation of American Associations for Sustainable Agriculture (CAAPAS).

CAAPAS represents farmers who promote Conservation Agriculture (CA) and is comproised by the following organizations: Uruguayan Association pro No-Till (AUSID), Brazilian No-Till and Irrigation Federation (FEBRAPDP), Paraguayan No-Till Federation for a Sustainable Agriculture (FEPASIDIAS) and Argentine No-Till Farmers Association (AAPRESID)

25th Aapresid Congress + 7WCCA

A meeting with two outstanding plenary rooms for the keynote speakers, 10 workshop rooms, a spectacular commercial hall and an open park with high tech machinery.

This meeting provides the opportunity to learn from the associations and farmer networks of No Till in an international meeting point with experts from all sectors. Food security, climate change, small farmers and family agriculture, gender equality, biotechnology, innovations in machinery, bioenergy, water, soils, crops, agribusiness, legislation and much more are among the themes that will be part of the proposal of this international event.

Emilio López King



First Renewable Energy News Portal from Argentina and Latam

[email protected]



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