#Europe #Satellites #Co2 #Emissions #RenewableEnergy #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming European governments agreed on May 26, 2003 to launch the long-delayed Galileo space program, seen...
#Tierra #Planeta #CambioClimatico #Ecosistema #Ambiente #Onu #Un #Pachamama La tierra que habitamos “Madre Tierra” es una expresión común utilizada para referirse al...
#Agua #Water #Onu #CambioClimatico #CalentamientoGlobal #sequia Día Mundial del Agua: 10 datos para tomar concienciaDía Mundial del Agua: 10 datos para tomar...
#JuanVerde #Obama #FundacionAdvancedLeadership #BarazkObama #HillaryClinton #Medioambiente #EnergiasRenovables #CambioClimatico #AlGore #ClimateChange Juan Verde, de 47 años, ha sido asesor de las campañas de...
#CambioClimatico #ClimateChange #Onu #NacionesUnidas #WEF #WorldEconomicForum #Nobel #EnergiasRenovables El secretario general de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), Antonio Guterres, pronuncia un discurso durante...
#Argentina #Obama #CumbreVerde #AdvancedLeaderShip #JuanVerde #Bioeconomy #Cordoba Former US president Barack Obama made an impassioned plea on Friday for the world to...
#Argentina #Dams #Patagonia #PatagoniaArgentina #China #Environmental #Energy After more than a year of legal conflicts, the government of Mauricio Macri will seek...
#Google #Alphabet #Malta #RenewableEnergy #Lithium #ClimateChange #Salt Alphabet Wants to Fix Renewable Energy’s Storage Problem — With Salt.The latest idea from the...
#Cleantech #RenewableEnergy #Virgin #VirginAtlantic #RichardBranson #VirginGroup #Formulaone #F1 The Virgin Group founder said he’s also bullish on batteries, but sidestepped questions about...
#Aapresid #AapresidCongress #WorldcongressonConservationAgriculture #Bioeconomy #Argentina #Rosario #Biodiesel #RenewableEnergy #SustainableAgriculture #Kairos #Rosario #Santafe This year, the 25th Annual Aapresid Congress will be held...